The Trend is our youth and young adult ministry. They seek to teach, reach, engage, nurture, and deploy the next generation of warriors for Christ and to be all that God is calling them to be.
They meet on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30 pm for ages 12-23. They also have special events that happen throughout the year so be sure to check out our Events Page to see what they might be up too.
We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and the ultimate source of truth. Our commitment is to teach truth to the youth and young adults of today so they can stand firm in the days ahead. We desire to pour God’s Truths into them so they are filled and can confidently move to teach God’s Truths to others.

Helping people find and follow Jesus is our mission. Our commitment is to reach as many youth and young adults as possible for Jesus. We want show them what real hope looks like and help them to then reach others so they can have that same Hope.
We are called to serve rather than to be served. Our commitment is to raise up young people who are excited to serve within the church as well as in our community. We are the hands and feet of Jesus and we choose to do our part in reaching the lost, helping the needy, and showing love ot our neighbors. We want engage our youth and young adults to become part of the service inside and outside of the church.

We are disciples raising disciples. We are only as strong as our faith, so our commitment is to nurture the faiths of our youth and young adults in our charge so they care able to stand firm in today’s culture, make an impact, and never question where their hope comes from.
In Matthew 28, Jesus says, “Go.” Our commitment is to deploy youth and young adults to make a difference. We want to help them deploy themselves into the area of service God is calling them to inside and outside the church walls.